High Pressure Control Valve is designed and developed for applications where the high pressure / drop liquid and high pressure / temperature gas/vapour to be handled. Our specially designed Velocity Control Trim, which is a
multi turn / multi-stage velocity control trim, handles these severe/critical applications very effectively – eliminating cavitation & vibration, and reducing the noise to the acceptable levels.
End Connection Styles:
Actuator Options:
Spring return diaphragm type as standard, other actuators viz. Electrical, Electro-hydraulic etc as options.
Stem Packings-
Accessories options -
Pneumatic positioners, Electro- Pneumatic positioners, Smart positioners, Solenoid valves, Limit Switches, Air Filter Regulators etc. are available.
Plug Options:
Cv Values and Valve Dimensions - Each valve is designed separately based on the given process data, service conditions and pipe line size & schedule. Cv values and valve dimensions would depend on the required no. of turns/stages, flow characteristics & pressure rating, and decided upon case by case basis. Hence, Cv values are not given in this technical bulletin; they would be specified on the calculation sheet and technical specification sheet of each valve.